Federal Single Audit Updates

Free Live CPE Webinars NY, United States

Overview Recent changes to the federal Single Audit requirements aim to enhance transparency, accountability, and compliance for entities receiving federal funds. This session will delve into key updates, including the...


Legislative Updates to Governmental Contracting

Free Live CPE Webinars NY, United States

Overview This session will explore new governmental contract requirements following the last legislative session and the resulting administrative rules promulgated or pending from the session. Presenter Julie F. Klahr, Shareholder...


OPEBs: To Fund or Not to Fund?

Free Live CPE Webinars NY, United States

Overview Post-Employment Benefits, like pensions and retiree medical coverage, are long-term propositions. Those obligations and their balance sheet liabilities need to be defeased for accounting purposes and for benefit security....


Utility University: GASB update: what is new and what is coming

Free Live CPE Webinars NY, United States

Learn about recently issued Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) statements no. 100, 101, 102 and 103 and what to consider as you prepare to implement these standards at your utility. ...


Today’s Cybersecurity Landscape

Free Live CPE Webinars NY, United States

Overview This session offers a comprehensive view of the current cyber threat landscape and how it affects the public sector. Join us as we look at several cyber-attacks that have...
