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Tax Symposium: Federal, meet SALT, and SALT, meet Federal

Grant Thornton CPE Webinars

July 23 @ 1:00 pm 2:00 pm EDT

Free 1 CPE credit

Event description

In this interdisciplinary webcast, SALT and federal tax practitioners learn about five of the most important things to know about their respective areas of focus. SALT practitioners will advise federal tax practitioners on the need to confirm the identity of the taxpayer, the composition of the tax base, applicable modifications to the tax base, attribute issues, and due dates and other administrative issues. In turn, federal tax practitioners will advise SALT practitioners on the IRC Sec. 163(j) Business Interest Deduction, the federal treatment of net operating losses, the research and development deduction in IRC Sec. 174, the basics of mergers and acquisitions, entity classification and instrument charactaerization, and federal guidance on loan origination.

Date and time

Tuesday, July 23, 2024 

1:00 PM ET – 2:00 PM ET


Learning objectives

  • Identify the most important SALT issues that should be considered in conjunction with federal tax issues.  
  • Identify the most important federal tax issues that should be considered in conjunction with federal tax issues. 
  • Integrate interdisciplinary approach to ensure tax compliance, consulting and controversy functions run in a more efficient manner.

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