Fighting Fraud on the Front Line: Tips for Identifying Scams and Safeguarding Your School
November 19 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm EST
Event Overview
The COVID-era emergence of progressively advanced AI and more sophisticated bots has inevitably yielded increasingly complex fraud schemes, and higher education institutions are prime targets. It is imperative for schools to proactively prepare for and manage fraud risks now versus reacting to a crisis later. Hear from a Certified Financial Aid Administrator® with more than 20 years of experience in higher-ed—including surviving a school’s cybersecurity attack—and a Certified Fraud Examiner/Certified Forensic Examiner who specializes in internal control weaknesses that can lead to fraud, as they discuss ways to insulate your institution against both internal and external attacks. We will provide an overview of the types of fraud prevalent in higher education, beginning with bogus admissions applications, but with a specific focus on threats to financial aid funds. We will also delve into case studies and real-life examples to illustrate the tactics used by fraudsters to exploit vulnerabilities in the system and explore proactive measures to mitigate these risks. Help your school recognize red flags indicative of potential fraudulent activities, and implement best practices for combating and reporting fraud incidents.